I See You, I Hear You, I Feel You

Day 1
The 1st official face to face meeting.
Content: finalizing the details of the project. The projectmanual overview (deliverables, participant selection, budget, dissemination, evaluation)
Method: groupdiscussions, ice-breaking, open debate Result: a common understanding of project management.
Day 2
Community building RP workshop - introduction
Aims: build and strengthen staff community, experiencethe circle process, examine the definition, principles, and paradigm shift of RP, review the RestorativeQuestions
Method: sharing, circle method, circle guidelines introduction, circles in action - learning to usethe method. Group reflection
Results: Participants will learn to use restorative circles as ateaching/learning method in their classrooms
Day 3
Restorative language, Restorative Questions
Content: When harm occurs it’s important to consider how the relationships between the individuals involved andthe school community are impacted and provide an opportunity to allow for those involved in the incidentto express themselves. Practical workshop of real-life scenarios.
Aims: Identifying the situations forusing Restorative language and questions. learning to use RL and RQ as a community and relationshipbuilding tool in our classroom and outside of it.
Results: we learn to use restorative language andquestions properly as a method in an integrated way in our lessons
Day 4
Including RP into the classroomAim: to learn how to integrate RP into our curriculums via Forum Theatre method, via sports andrecreation activities, via environmental and outdoor activities.
Method: sample lessons; learning asstudents, planning activities
Result: We have a common view on how to use and integrate RP methodsinto our lessons and curriculums.
Day 5
RP as a community-building tool
Aim: to show how to use RPmethodology wit wider school community: parents, local community, staff
Method: lecture, Q&A, staging scenarios.

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