I See You, I Hear You, I Feel You

Forest Bathing helps us remember our place in a network of relationships with all beings. Teaching tofeel, hear and see the nature around us, brings many health benefits. Because it creates strong bondsbetween people and natural environments, forest bathing is an important foundation for ecologicalawareness and activism. Furthermore, it can reduce anxiety, and stress through the manifestation ofbullying and harassment. During the
meeting, we conducted activities that were innovative in light of oureveryday school life.
Day 1
Getting to know each other. Outdoor activities to break the ice and buildconnection, formal visits.
Day 2.
Nature/forest guide
A trained guide helped us to learn the fundamentalsof forest therapy. We learned how to slow down and tune in to our senses in nature using activelistening and silence minutes. We organized a group walk to get to know the picked location intimately.One of the core experiences of a guided walk was the way we encouraged participants to reflect onand share our experiences in "earthly circle" with others using RP.
Day 3.
I have Arrived, my Friend, I amHere
Nature is a partner, not a travel destination. Listening to what a forest has to say to us. Studentsand teachers hiked in nature and learned to interpret
nature's state/condition through our senses: whatwe saw, heard and felt. Participants discussed environmental problems and learned to see and sharehonest opinions about human actions that cause harm to nature. Through that, they saw a greatconnection between all living. We "made friends" with the forest as we learned how to speak with livingnature.
Day 4.
The Sitting Spot
Sit spot is a very simple and powerful practice. It is one of the bestmethods of nature connection, supporting healing, cultivating awareness of self and others, anddeepening relationships with the more-than-human world. It taught our students to notice. We noticednature and its inner stillness.
We learned to see how things reveal themselves when they choose.
Day 5
Reciprocity increases awareness of the many ways in which we are connected with the Nature world.It supports the development of relationships. The main aim of the last meeting day was to give naturesomething back for what it gave to us. We taught our students to act respectfully with the forest whenleaving it. First comes the environmental goal to keep nature clean, not affect it with our actions.
A Gift toNature - We created songs; notes and concealed them where only the earth can read them. It helped tounderstanding of relationship to all things.